The Power of Contextualization in Digital Marketing – How to Tailor Your Message for Maximum Impact

The Power of Contextualization in Digital Marketing - How to Tailor Your Message for Maximum Impact

You’re out shopping, and you enter an electronics store looking for an air fryer. But the salesman keeps showing you a coffee maker. You decline and ask for an air fryer. But the salesman again tries selling you the coffee maker. Won’t you get ticked off? That’s the current state of digital ads right now. Many marketing and ad campaigns are reaching the wrong audience. People are looking for something and they are seeing ads related to something else, and this is resulting in thousands of dollars getting wasted in digital marketing. This is not how digital marketing is supposed to be. Campaigns need contextualization.

Contextualization will not only make your campaigns more focused in their communication, but your ads will also reach the right people. For example, if you are selling products related to rain like umbrellas, raincoats, waterproof shoes, etc. your ads will only be seen in areas where people are experiencing the wet season, making them more likely to click on the ad, browse the website and buy the required product.


So, what does contextualize mean? Well, there’s content one creates for marketing a product or service, and then there’s contextualized content. This content is specifically made for a target audience by accounting for their exact need, profile, geographical location, and many other factors that make it precise in communication and exact in delivery.

Think of normal marketing content as a machine gun that just sprays bullets blindly at the enemy hoping to hit the target, whereas contextualized content is like a sniper’s rifle – accurate and deadly. It gets the job done. Therefore, your campaigns should have contextualized content.

How to Create Contextualized Content? 

Know & Define Your Audience

It all starts here. You need to know your audience well to tailor your message for them. For that, you need to create detailed categories according to which you can bifurcate them. Start with a generalized understanding of the market and buyer and then start getting into more details. For example, if your audience is in a specific country, then start categorizing by region, state, city, etc. Create buyer personas based on your detailed definition. You can also use the data of the previous buyers to further fine-tune the buyer personas. Then you will know exactly what communication you need to create.

Fix Your Channel 

There are multiple digital channels through which you can market and advertise your products and services. However, many make the mistake of keeping the communication same across all channels and their ads don’t get the desired result. After you know your buyer personas, you’ll be able to match them with different channels. Remember the saying, “Different horses for different courses”? Based on this logic, develop communication based on the different channels as well. For example, you create a campaign for Facebook and it does well. But that same campaign won’t do well on TikTok. Even for LinkedIn, which is a social platform for professionals, you will have to create completely different communication. Therefore, you need to know which channels you will be running campaigns on.

Assign Formats 

Don’t limit your campaigns to just a singular or a couple of ad formats like text ads and banner ads. There are many different forms through which you can communicate and you can assign these various formats to specific buyer personas. Some people like to view videos, while others like to read a blog. Some may respond to interactive content like quizzes and surveys while some may be impressed with attractive banner ads. So, to get your message across, choose the right format based on the detailed buyer personas. One contextualized example for this can be about creating quizzes for a TV show for its fans if you are selling merchandise related to that TV show.

Select Variable Elements 

If you are selling just one particular thing then this won’t matter but if you have various products, you can then target different products for different targets and create contextual content accordingly. Let’s say, you are selling snow tires to a buyer who is in a region experiencing winter and snow. This same ad and product won’t work for a buyer staying in a warmer region that is not experiencing snow. For this client, you can create ads and communication that sell tires made for a hot climate.

Contextual Content Creation 

The final step is creating the actual content. Now that you have detailed buyer personas and fixed channels, formats, and variables, you have enough to start creating contextual content that is focused on a singular buyer persona. Create media imagining that one person as your only customer. To a marketer, this may sound really weird because you want to sell to a larger share of customers, but creating contextual, personalized content is more effective and creates more buyers.

Track, Analyze, and Modify 

Once the communication is ready, start your campaign. From the very start, you have to track how the campaign is doing and the effect it is having on your audience. Analyze the results as it will clearly show you how the buyer persona is responding to your contextualized content. Now, here’s the best part of this whole exercise. Thanks to your tracking and analysis, you now have an idea of what modifications to make to your contextualized content to appeal to another buyer persona. Yes, just some quick changes and you have a whole new set of content that can get the job done and get you a whole new set of buyers. Many make the mistake of thinking contextualized content cannot be reused but some clever tinkering makes it usable for other buyers. You will save time and money on your content creation.

Hopefully, the information above will help on how to write a contextualization, but if you feel it is still out of your wheelhouse, you can always hire a digital marketing company like Tru Performance, who knows how to tailor your content for maximum impact. Creating customized content has been our forte and one of the biggest reasons behind our growing success. If you too want to experience better content and marketing and advertising campaigns, get in touch with us at the earliest.